The three-day High-Level Ministerial and Scientific Event A New Era of Blue Enlightenment ends today after the landmark signature of the Statement on Atlantic Research and Innovation Cooperation (Thursday 13th July, at Bélem Tower – Lisbon, Portugal), launching the South Atlantic Research and Innovation Flagship Initiative between the EU, Brazil and South Africa. Representatives from these parties and many other stakeholders from over 25 countries support the initiative to deepen scientific knowledge of marine ecosystems and better understand the links between oceans and climate change, oceans and food, and oceans and energy systems.
This initiative will not only reinforce the collaboration between the signing parties, but also strengthen and integrate the research efforts of many national and international bodies all across the Atlantic, linking with parallel initiatives that focus on the North Atlantic (such as the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation).
Our Scientific Project Manager Joana Xavier presented SponGES on Wednesday 12th under the theme “Trans North Atlantic Research and prospects for South Atlantic Partnership” along with “sister projects” MERCES and ATLAS. Furthermore, she joined a “Projects Showcase” session today, within the broader theme “Atlantic Ocean Ecosystems Under Pressure“. Representatives of the European Commission as well as of other European, Brazilian and South African institutions and projects also participated. We are confident these joint efforts will lead to a better understanding and management of the entire Atlantic Ocean system, and are proud to have been present to celebrate such an important achievement.