Mapping benthic ecological diversity and interactions with bottom-contact fishing on the Flemish Cap (northwest Atlantic)

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REFERENCE Murillo, FJ; Kenchington, E; Koen-Alonso, M; Gijarro, J; Kenchington, TJ; Sacau, M; Beazley, L; Rapp, HT (2020). Ecological Indicators. ABSTRACT The ecological diversity of benthic invertebrates from bottom trawl surveys was mapped for the Flemish Cap, a plateau … Read More

Comparison of physical connectivity particle tracking models in the Flemish Cap region

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REFERENCE Wang, Shuangqiang; Wang, Zeilang; Lirette, Camille; Davies, Andrew J; Kengchington, Ellen (2019). Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. ABSTRACT Lagrangian particle tracking models are considered an important tool for assessing connectivity in the deep sea. A number of … Read More

Removal of deep-sea sponges by bottom trawling in the Flemish Cap area: conservation, ecology and economic assessment

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REFERENCE Pham, CK; Murillo, FJ; Maldonado, M; Colaço, A; Ottaviani, D; Kenchington, E (2019). Scientific Reports. ABSTRACT Deep-sea sponge grounds are vulnerable marine ecosystems, which through their benthic-pelagic coupling of nutrients, are of functional relevance to the deep-sea realm. … Read More

Connectivity modelling of areas closed to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northwest Atlantic

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REFERENCE Kenchington, Ellen; Wang, Zeilang; Lirette, Camille; Murillo, Francisco Javier; Guijarro, Javier; Yashayaev, Igo; Maldonado, Manuel. (2018). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. ABSTRACT Over the course of the past decade, in response to United Nations General … Read More